News on the NMJ Association
25th January 2023: NMJ successfully organized its second virtual NMJ event with key lectures on Micro- and Nanojoining technologies
On January 25th, 2023, the International Association for Nanojoining and Microjoining organized the second virtual NMJ event. The meeting was attended by an impressive number of about 170 participants from 16 different countries around the globe! The opening remarks by the president of the NMJ association, Dr. Lars Jeurgens (Empa, Switzerland), were followed by a short announcement of the upcoming NMJ conference in Leipzig by Dr. Susann Hauser. Next, two plenary lectures and six short talks were presented by leading researchers in the field. The first plenary lecture entitled "Physics of Nanojoning" was given by Prof. Walter Duley, University of Waterloo, Canada, which was followed by a plenary talk entitled "Dewetting phenomena in nanosystems" by Prof. Eugen Rabkin, Technion University, Israel. The full list of speakers can be found here. Please submit your abstract to the upcoming NMJ'23 conference in Leipzig. We are looking forward to meeting you there in person!
7th July 2022: NMJ successfully organized its first virtual NMJ event with key lectures on Micro- and Nanojoining technologies
On July 7th, 2022, the International Association for Nanojoining and Microjoining organized the first virtual NMJ event. The meeting was attended by an impressive number of 142 participants from 16 different countries around the globe! The opening remarks by the president of the NMJ association, Dr. Lars Jeurgens (Empa, Switzerland), were followed by three plenary lectures by leading researchers in the field. First, Prof. Norman Zhou (Univ. Waterloo, Canada) presented a historical view on the development of the NMJ community. His talk "Building an International Committee on Microjoining and Nanojoining" is also documented in his personal notes (download here). Next, we were honoured to have a retirement lecture entitled "Footprints on the Path of Nano-Micro Joining Research" by Prof. Akio Hirose (Osaka Univ, Japan), who was among the first in the world to realize low-temperature sinter-bonding using Ag nanopaste as an alternative to conventional soldering. Finally, Prof. Anming Hu (Univ. Tennessee, USA) presented a technical overview on "Recent Progress of Nano-Micro-Joining", focusing on key scientific achievement published by the community during the pandemic. A second virtual scientific event will be scheduled prior to the physical NMJ conference in November 2023 in Dresden, Germany. So please stay tuned!
16th October 2019: Founding of the NMJ Association at Empa, Switzerland
The NMJ Association was founded on October 16th, 2019 at Empa Dübendorf, Switzerland by Lars P.H. Jeurgens (President), Tomokazu Sano (Secretary) and Jolanta Janczak-Rusch (Treasurer) on behalf of the partner institutions from Canada, China, Japan and the USA. Go to full article
Signing of the Statutes of the NMJ Association on 16 October 2019 at Empa: Jolanta Janczak-Rusch (Empa), Lars Jeurgens (Empa) and Tomokazu Sano (Osaka University). Image: Empa